Month: January 2014

  • snowy Monday evening

    It is so beautiful outside! When the wind blows it’s really cold but it’s so pretty. I am just home from a meeting with former Deaconesses and what a blessing those women are in my life!

    I drove home from Joanne’s slowly because that’s how you have to drive in this kind of weather, but boy having 4 wheel drive is great! I came in the house and got on my rubber boots and went out and shoveled, figuring even if it snows lots more at least this well be done before I have to go in to work in the morning.

    This morning I was sound asleep dreaming I was driving down this road when all of a sudden I hear this banging and realize it’s JoAnna at the door with Hannah! I flew out of bed and let them in wow have not been awakened like that in a very long time! I had a nice talk with Sheila on the phone, chatted with Robbyn via text and enjoyed a visit from Liz at lunch time. Chatted with Matt via text and talked with Andy on the way to work and on the way home. That was nice to ‘touch’ all of my kids today. I sure do thank God for them!

    I work earlyish tomorrow so this is not going to be long because I want to get to bed. I finished my book on Friday night, reading till after 1 am knowing I had to be up for work at 6:30. Sad to finish sharing the lives of these women Marta, Hildamera, Carolyn and Dawn. I have more books to read just not wanting to jump into another story just yet.

    Off to dreamland for me . . .

  • January 1, 2014

    hmmmmm what to say . . . Happy New Year!

    I remember waking up saying Happy New Year then thank You, Lord for a brand new day

    I had my alarm set for 6 but was awake at 5:30 so just got up

    had a nice quiet time then got ready to take Andy to work

    got him dropped off and back home

    finally took a shower about 10 to get ready for my lunch date with Tricia

    got ready to go, started the truck then shoveled out my walks and a little of the drive

    I picked her up and we drove to Applebees – we both had gift cards from there and I needed to be back over there for Andy to get off at 2

    ate a very good steak dinner and before we were finished Andy texted saying he was off early so he joined us whilst I finished eating

    dropped Tricia back off at home then drove through Wendy’s so Andy could get something to eat

    came home and Mantz’s were here watching the Outback bowl – so I watched the second half with them

    after they left I lay down on the couch to nap but the news came on and couldn’t sleep ugh

    watched The 12 Dates of Christmas – waiting now for Top Chef – we’re almost to the end!

    Andy has the next two days off Yahoo! Working Saturday and so am I then Hannah is in a tournament :)