Month: April 2014

  • Last Sunday in April

    what a day! I woke up today with an empty feeling, still not knowing just what that means . . . so it’s been a different kind of day.

    Went to Sunday School and church, nice to get caught up with Julie and see her lovely granddaughters. What sweet little ones they are! There were 5 babies in church! and Richie Fox said he remembered me . . . that was different. His wife Jessica and son’s Richie and Braylon. I tried to help my Dad get the hearing device to work but had no luck :( someone did get it for him, not sure if it was Jerry. Oh man I missed Michael today.

    Maybe that was another part of the feeling this morning knowing I would not see any of my kids in church :( I don’t know, but I got through that fine and then came home, ate lunch and got ready for work.

    Andrew, my manager at work today, had me stocking pop, taking the extra’s back and things like that so my shift went really quickly. After my break I came back and got on my register and I had this guy who was quite nice but when he gave me the money for his order he gave me two twenties two quarters and a dime. I kept looking at the change because it was not the right amount but I have had people give me strange amounts to get back different . . . anyways when I gave him his change he said it wasn’t right. I printed out an extra receipt and showed him the amount. He told me no, he had given me all this change. I kept looking at the two quarters and the dime I bet five times before I punched it in the register. . . I know what I saw and I know he was wrong. He started to yell at me and say I was cheating him out of his money. I called Bryce over and he couldn’t belive the guy was acting like that either and said, it’s 35 cents! The guy told him she is a cheat! and for Bryce to count my drawer. All this was loud enough for everyone to hear! Bryce said ok I will count her drawer and had me get out of my computer and took my drawer to count it. The guy continued yelling saying I better not look at him like I was innocent and I better not p _ _ _ him off and stormed out. When Bryce came back out he said my drawer was over 14 cents. I about lost it. I felt so humiliated and I knew what I knew it was 2 quarters and a dime not all of this change he said he had given me! I had several customers come to me and say don’t let that get to you. And try to cheer me up and tell me it was ok. A little while later Bryce came by and said, don’t let that spoil your day. On top of that we had a drain clog and roto rooter was there trying to get it fixed so it stunk to high heaven in there!!! I am glad to be done with my shift and home for the night so I can put this out of my head. I really believe it was a spiritual battle going on! Jesus in me made that guy mad . . . so I have been praying blessing on him. To top it off he left one of his bags behind . . .

    My folk’s anniversary party was really nice yesterday. The short program was really neat and the things that were shared were good, funny and caused tears. It was a good day and the people who were supposed to be there were.

    I got my car back yesterday too. It runs so much better with new oil and fresh tires :) and having it aligned makes a lot of difference!

    My soul it’s windy! And rainy! that wind blew all night, hard! I am ready for bed, but think I shall eat first.

  • Tuesday (or my Monday as Kay calls it)

    what a lovely day but boy it’s cold! yipe

    only working today at the Y :) I don’t go back to Hy Vee till Sunday and I am pretty excited

    I worked Monday 8 to 4 most of the time at express. Sometime in the afternoon computer 7 (the other express lane) went down and it would not come back online, no way to ring up orders, take money nothing. Finally it came back up and we thought everything was ok . . . at 3:30 my manager, Andrew told me to jump over to register 7 so he could count my drawer so I could be out of there by 4. So I get on and first thing, the computer goes down so I could not take any money or check anyone out. Andrew (who is running around frantically trying to get customers out the door and keep all the checkers working) told me to go ahead and get on register 4 – but I couldn’t because I was signed into register 7 ugh! He finally got me logged off of 7 and told me to go ahead and get on register 2 where I finished out my shift. When he finally said I could go after I finished with the two customers in my line, I walked over to where he was and asked if it was ok if I left (he had to count the money in my drawer) he told me yes, I could go but my drawer was OVER by $500.00 yipe! He said he was sure it was because of all the computer issues we had been having and he didn’t think I had really taken in that much money.

    Sunday afternoon I worked 1 to 9 that was one of the longest shifts in my life! my poor feet and legs were really tired. I came home from work and went straight to bed! The high point of my shift was to look up and see Sheila coming through my line :) it’s always nice to see someone you know but extra special when it’s family! Sunday it rained all day at times pouring down we could hear it on the roof. I am surprised how many people walk to the store and how many came in that day in the pouring rain!

    Bible Study was really good again last night. I will be sad to see it end. It’s a really deep study on the Attributes of God, lots of really deep things to think on, I am sure most of it goes right over my head. Some of it is sticking however, because it helps me to understand God a little more and helps me pray better (I hope)

  • Wednesday April 9th

    I want to post a little more often so I can remember what happens as the days whizz by

    Just home from W;nk tonight the kids were a little squirrely but once Marlys got out the painting papers they were really good. We played the copy cat game tonight and I am finding out just how limber I am not! That was fun

    On the way to W;nk Asa and Xandre were talking about the National Basketball tournament. At one point Asa said, Michigan was going to win all of the games! Then they lost. I laughed right out loud ;) fun times

    I got called in to work Tuesday afternoon. To help out in Chinese. I had no clue what to do but Li was very kind and really helped and answered any questions I had. I met a gal named Sandy who worked in the kitchen. I liked her a lot. She was really helpful too. It was a LOT of just standing and let me tell ya on that cement floor it was not easy. I did get to wait on Matt :) I looked out and saw him looking at the pre made meals and said, Can I help you with anything, Sir? He said, no I am just looking . . . then he looked up and saw it was me. He said I didn’t know you worked back here too! I told him I was filling in for someone, (Becky who works Chinese hurt her back moving into a new apartment, plus her first grandbaby was born yesterday – so she took the day off and Roxanne, our HR person, said she would find someone to cover – she found me.) Anyways, Matt said since you are working back here I will get some hot food. So I dished up his food, grateful for something to do! I bet all the time I was there (2:30 to 8:40) I had six customers. I did a lot of dishes, both for the kitchen and for Chinese, again, grateful for something to do besides just stand! I also got to sweep and mop :) I was so glad to get home and went straight to bed!

    I woke up about 2:30 not sure why but as I lay there trying to go back to sleep I was sure I heard gunshots. I prayed that it would not be another murder. When I got up and finally heard the news there was nothing on about another shooting here in CR whew. I just hope it was random sounds and not shots being fired!

    I learned my cousin, Billy Joe (his mother was my Dad’s sister Mildred) lost his wife to cancer today :( such sad news. Billy Joe and I are the same age.

    Well, I think I shall turn in. I get to sleep in a little tomorrow before the big long hours weekend starts. Going to see Rio 2 on Friday with Robbyn and the kids, I can’t hardly wait!

  • A Saturday In April

    what a lovely day! just got home from work and I am tired. I have a pot of coffee on, decaf actually and will relax and unwind after an afternoon of checking.

    I went to Jillian’s first soccer game this morning. What fun! I wish I could have stayed for all of it but had to get home, eat and pack a little bit of lunch for work, take a shower and do something with my hair, I got to work with about 2 minutes to spare. I don’t like to cut it that close.

    At the soccer game, Issac was cold so he sat on my lap since I had a blanket :) and he read to me. What a kid! It was so neat to spend that time with him this morning. He is such a good reader and he is growing up way too fast. I often think how much Doug is missing with the kids all growing up so fast before my eyes! But in reality we are the ones missing because perfection is Doug’s reality now.

    What a beautiful day! So great to see the sun shining.

    I feel like so much goes on but when I sit down to write . . . nothing

    Ok I am going to drink my coffee and see what’s new on Facebook, I gotta say I am not really liking the new format oh well