Month: March 2014

  • sunny and warmer Monday

    I just put a load of clothes in the wash, plugged in my ipod and am waiting for both so I can venture out for a walk. My first day off (kind of – Andy had to be to work at 6 so up since 5) but I don’t have to work anywhere today and other than getting Andy at 2 and bible study tonight I have a freeish day!

    The job at hy vee is going ok. My co workers are very nice and the customers for the most part are really nice too. I have had a couple of grumpy people who are rude and act as though I am doing my best to make their life miserable, but it makes me wonder what is going on in their life to treat people this way. The Lord is showing me how dark and lost this world is . . . I pray for the people when I can and smile and try to bring some “positive” into their experience in my line. I learning a lot about cigarettes and liquor, looking at lots of ‘id.s’ . . . it’s an adventure but I am catching on so that is good.

    It was strange at the Y last week with Sheila gone. She is my Friday afternoon entertainment er I mean desk buddy, and with her home sick (which I am so glad she took my advice and stayed home!) it was just a different place. I will be so glad when this membership special is over, it’s been crazy nuts there!

    I had Asa and Colton yesterday and knowing I had to work I had talked with Sheila about keeping them till Matt got off work. She said she would but with her being sick I did not want to add to her plate, so I asked JoAnna if she would keep the boys and she said she would. They were so excited to know they were going to Hannah’s house after church! During church Colton was busy coloring when he came over to me and asked if he could sit on my lap for a little while. :) So I held him and felt his little arms encircle my neck loving when he whispered I love you, Gramma and pretty soon I asked him if he wanted to lay down on the pew, he did and fell fast asleep. Asa had taken a nap on the couch before we took Andy to work. Later in the afternoon I was checking when I heard Hi Gramma! I looked up and there were Matt and the boys in my line :)

    Second week in March! How can we be here already? The time just flies by. So looking forward to my folks coming home, which can’t be soon enough! Mom texted last week saying they were rethinking their return date, they don’t want to be cold when they come. I told her regardless of when they come, they will be cold!

    Sat when I came out from work I was checking texts and there was one from Tricia asking if I wanted to go see Saving Mr Banks. I had gotten off work about 15 min early (yipee) and had just enough time to come home, and change clothes before she came. I loved the movie!!!! It was very interesting watching the back story of P. L. Travers’ childhood and how Mary Poppins came about. Mary Poppins is the first movie my folks let Tricia and I go to by ourselves. I was 11/12 I think – at the Paramount Theater and we sat in the balcony. I need to watch Mary Poppins again now

    Well, I think the laundry is done so I need to find my shoes and head out, and I think I will take my camera!!!!!

    Psalm 18:30
    As for God, his way is perfect:
    The Lord’s word is flawless;
    he shields all who take refuge in him.